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Saturday 2 May 2015

Facebook Mistakes Small Businesses Make (and How to Fix Them)

Facebook Mistakes Small Businesses Make (and How to Fix Them)

Facebook mistakes. Your small business has made them. Whether it’s an unintentional post or an inappropriate comment, mistakes will happen.
Especially in an environment where content is being shared at lightning speed.
However, some of the worst Facebook mistakes are the ones that often go unnoticed. They’re the missed opportunities. The chance for increased engagement, interaction and shares.
While Facebook continues to change the rules, you must make the most of every opportunity. No matter if it’s missing content, a lack of strategy or an obsolete bio, mistakes are made and prospects lost.
So, what mistakes are you making and how can you fix them?
Here are some of the top Facebook mistakes small businesses make and what you should do instead.

Facebook Mistakes Small Businesses Make

  1.  Not Completing “About” Info

Don’t underestimate the power of the “About” section within your Facebook page.
Just like the “About” page on your blog, this area within your Facebook page is one of the top places fans will visit.
As they land on your page – eager to discover what you’re all about and what they can expect – ensure those details are front and center.

Tips to Help You Craft Your “About”

  • Add your mission, vision and values along with any founding details that would matter to potential clients.
  • You have a short amount of time to gain the attention of potential fans. Put the most relevant details at the top of your “About.”
  • Answer questions any customer or fan would have. (e.g. how long have you been serving the community)
  • Provide success stories and examples of how you’ve helped others. Was there a difficult situation you were able to work through? Highlight that story!
  • Strike industry jargon from your your messaging and talk to consumers in a conversational way.
  • Add keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business and would be used by any consumer looking for your small business.

  2. Posting Only One Type of Content

Would you be able to tell your story through a simple status update? Probably not.
Graphics, video and links all play a huge role in describing what you do and how you help, so don’t forget to change things up.
And keep in mind, not everyone consumes content the same way. Using multiple media types allows you to reach a new audience and keep your fans excited to come back for more.
Marie Forleo actively uses video to engage her audience. Marie’s short videos are personable, funny, and always loaded with tips to improve your business.
Ever struggle with staying present while still planning for the future? Hit play now for my advice on how to find the balance.

  3. Not Using Facebook Insights

If you have a Facebook Page and don’t check your stats, then you’re missing out on a lot of useful information.
Initially, what you’re looking for are audience statistics, such as age, gender and country of residence.
Now, take it a step further and look at total interactions and interactions per post.
Check what time is best to post and what type of content receives the most engagement.

  4. Cover Photo

The Facebook cover photo works as an online billboard. You have the chance to immediately convey the details about your company to anyone landing on your page.
Let your Facebook cover photo make a strong visual impact.  Use this space to tell your story, sharing details that allow potential clients to understand the what and why behind your business, not just the how.
Too often, the cover photo is mistaken as a spammy marketing tool. While Facebook has significantly relaxed their cover guidelines, you still want to steer clear of anything that reeks of over-promotional.
Look to Peg Fitzpatrick’s Facebook cover as an excellent example. She changes it out frequently, keeping it fresh, interesting and always on brand.

What to Do to Increase Facebook Engagement

1. Create a Memorable Brand

What sets you apart from your competition? Are you clear on who you help and how you help them? Do you know what problems your company solves?
In order to create a memorable brand and outshine your competition online, you must clearly articulate your value.
Your company has an amazing opportunity to translate what you do offline to online. Don’t fall flat by misunderstanding the medium.
Share your history, unique abilities and commitment to your community. Tell your story in a real and authentic way that resonates with anyone looking to connect and hire or purchase from you.

2. Share Consistent Content

Creating, curating and sharing consistent content within Facebook updates can be a challenge.  In fact, one of the top questions I receive from companies across the country is content related.

Have you often wondered:

  • Where to find top content?
  • What you should be talking about?
  • How long you should spend writing Facebook content?
If so, you’re not alone. But, there’s good news. I’m going to demystify how social media managers find content on a daily basis.
I’m also going to give you a few ideas on where you might have content hiding.

Where to Find Content

  1. Use an RSS reader such as Feedly to consolidate all of your favorite bloggers.
  2. Set up Google Alerts with queries such as “social media news” or “blogging tips.”
  3. Create a folder or use bookmarks to collect your favorite Facebook pages. Keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening within your industry.
  4. Pay attention to what your competition is talking about. Is it a hot topic? Share that story and put your own unique spin on it.
  5. Share celebration, behind-the-scenes, convention or speaking photos.
  6. Post your “customer of the week” photo and offer a mini bio and background congratulating the team member on their excellent work.
  7. Share your latest blog post with a link back to your blog.
  8. Already shared your latest blog post? Pull a quote from that post and turn it into a graphic with a tool like Canva.
  9. Talk about an upcoming event you are promoting or a local charity that you support.
As you can see, you are only limited by your creativity.
Look at your past marketing collateral and determine what you can share that transfers your mission, values and vision to your Facebook fans.

3. Build a Strong Community Culture

Use your Facebook page to clearly express your company culture.
Share what makes you stand out and what matters most to you both internally as well as externally.
Post pictures and videos from local events, office parties and your charity work. People love to see behind-the-scenes.
Take Southwest Airlines for example.
Their company culture extends well beyond the typical airplane flight. You see it in everything they do and reflected in each of their employees.
From an empty gray concrete slab to an active, colorful community hub. This #EarthDay is about the Heart of the Community:

4. Have a Clear Call to Action

A call to action isn’t just for your marketing material. You need to use it within your Facebook posts as well. For example, you’re sharing your latest blog post titled, “5 Mistakes Every Blogger Makes and How to Avoid Them.”
Share your article on Facebook with copy such as, “Are you a new blogger?” or “Just getting your new blog started” and then tell them how you will solve their problem.
It might look something like this,
“Starting a new blog? How You Can Avoid Mistakes Every Blogger Makes!” Click here to see which ones we see more often than not and find out what you can do to avoid them.”
Other clear calls to action are: “find out more,” “click here for more details,” “don’t miss this tip,” or“watch this video for more details.”
The bottom line is this; you never want your fans to guess what the next step is. Be crystal clear in what you want them to do. Whether it’s click, share or comment; spell it out.

Final Thoughts

Take a moment to think about why your prospects or past clients use Facebook?
Do they want to connect and engage or are they looking to be heard? Do they need support or is it the answers to their most frequently asked questions they crave?
My guess is that it’s a mixture of all of the above.
Give your community a virtual water cooler where they can gather, interact and share stories on a daily basis.
Make your Facebook page the go-to location for your industry or niche!